Blended families have become quite typical during our current era, and estate planning for blended families requires certain steps if you want to make sure that everyone's interests are served.
When you decide to remarry as a person with children you would do well to discuss the legal implications with a good San Bernardino estate planning lawyer before you take the final step. While nobody expects to get divorced again, the statistics tell us that second marriages are more likely to fail than first marriages so it is better to be safe than sorry.
If you don't enter into a prenuptial agreement and arrange your estate in such a manner as to provide for your children come what may there are no guarantees with regard to the actions of your spouse if you were to pass away first.
One possible course of action would be to create a qualified terminable interest property trust after entering into a prenuptial agreement. With these trusts your spouse can benefit throughout his or her life after your passing, but you name the beneficiary who would receive the assets after your spouse dies.
There are a lot of things to take into consideration when you are getting remarried as a parent. The best way to proceed is to sit down and discuss everything with a seasoned and savvy Redlands estate planning lawyer. Your attorney will become apprised of your unique situation, listen attentively as you explain your goals, and construct a tailor-made estate plan that provides for everyone that you love in accordance with your wishes.